At SaddleUpNY!, we are committed to providing educational resources to the equestrian community.

Economic Impact Studies

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Recently Released 2023 New York State Equine Economic Study

  • Per the American Horse Council:  “SaddleUpNY! and its industry partners commissioned and funded the American Horse Council Foundation’s 2023 Economic Impact Study for the New York State Horse Industry. They are thereby authorized to distribute the results of that study as they deem appropriate.” ©
  • The 2023 New York Equine Economic Impact Study is now being made available by SaddleUpNY! and its industry partners in the form of single electronic download through use of Google Drive. To receive a single use download link, completion of a short survey is required to gather data on demographics and intended use of the report. Survey must be completed to receive the free download link. The survey is short and should take less than 2 minutes of your time:
  • Infographics with key report data are available here:

Equine Education Network (EEN)

A searchable database of US colleges and universities with equine academic programs and collegiate riding options. Veterinarian programs and graduate equine programs are also listed.

Equine Education and Career Network